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Customer Service - The Face and Voice of Your Company

Customer Service: The Face and Voice of Your Company

Unless you have been living under a rock you have probably heard the phrase “The customer is always right!”

While some companies take this at face value, it means far more than just doing what the customer is demanding. It is about taking the time to listen and going as far as needed to understand their needs and find a good resolution that benefits both the customer and your company.

When a business takes a statement like that at face value, it begins to fail piece by piece. It causes employees to become unhappy which then results in poor customer service and bad customers getting an unfair advantage. Instead, taking the time to listen to their feelings and meeting them with empathy and education can make a world of difference.

The bottom line is that more than half of people will actively look for a new company in order to have a better customer service experience.

By using a system like Service Lifter for your company’s customer service needs, you can be assured that you will be providing value to your customers. When you provide them value, they are more likely to take advantage of your upsell offers.

Using our trained staff that will be able to answer questions and engage callers will build a strong and lasting relationship which is the foundation of keeping a business alive.

This will turn around and help you gain new leads because happy customers are 97% more likely to tell others about very good or excellent customer service experiences.

Looking at your business’s current clientele, you could create an opportunity of upwards of 70% of people spending more money with you solely because you provided the excellent customer service they were looking for or that was not provided by someone else. Happy customers are more likely to return to you for future needs again and again.

In turn you can prevent business failure and not fall within the 96% of companies that close their doors within 10 years. Most companies fail from a customer service standpoint by having employees that are not engaged with their work.

If customer service is not being handled properly, you could miss calls, emails and questions. When not responded to, customers will look for help elsewhere, freely giving a potential client to someone else that has proper customer service focus.

Why choose Service Lifter you ask? Our call center specialist, Alyssa, brings over 15 years of management, sales and customer service experience to your company. She is well versed in many occupations and knowledge of both small and large businesses. She maintains exceptional customer service and makes sure every employee becomes an advocate for the people they service.

Our software includes call tracking and recording which allows you to see first hand how well your customer service is. With many add on services including monitoring of facebook, gmb, emails, yelp and many other social media sites available, we offer a one stop shop for your business and customer needs.

Rely on us to answer any questions and help close more leads, expand your business, increase sales and leave your customers satisfied so they return again and again.